Both desktop and mobile devices store data from websites you’ve visited, which can sometimes prevent you from seeing updates or changes. This might make a website appear broken, even when it’s functioning correctly. Performing a hard refresh prompts your browser to retrieve the most recent version of the website.



Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based):

Press Cmd + Shift + R


Press Cmd + Option + R


Press Cmd + Alt + R


Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Internet Explorer:

Press Ctrl + F5



Google Chrome (iOS)

Open Chrome, tap the menu button at the bottom (three dots), go to ‘Settings’, ‘Privacy’, then ‘Clear Browsing Data’. Select ‘Cached Images and Files’ and tap ‘Clear Browsing Data’.

Safari (iOS)

Go to your device’s ‘Settings’, scroll down and tap on ‘Safari’, then scroll down and tap ‘Clear History and Website Data’. Confirm by tapping ‘Clear’.

Mozilla Firefox (iOS)

Tap the menu button at the bottom-right (three lines), select ‘Settings’, scroll down to ‘Data Management’, then tap ‘Clear Private Data’ and select ‘Cache’.


Google Chrome (Android)

Open Chrome, then tap the menu button (three dots at the top-right corner). From there, tap ‘History’ and then ‘Clear browsing data’. Make sure you select ‘Cached images and files’ and then tap ‘Clear data’.

Mozilla Firefox (Android)

Tap the menu button (three dots at the bottom-right corner), select ‘Settings’, then ‘Delete browsing data’. Choose ‘Cached images and files’ and then tap ‘Delete’.

Samsung Internet (Android)

Tap the menu button (three lines at the bottom-right corner), then ‘Settings’. Under ‘Privacy and security’, select ‘Delete browsing data’. Choose ‘Cached images and files’ and tap ‘Delete’.